How Ketamine Therapy Can Help You Become Your Best Self

The Surprising Benefits of Ketamine Therapy

We all want to become our best selves, right? If only it were something that was easily accessible for all. Unfortunately, some of us struggle with various factors that might prohibit that, like depression, anxiety, OCD, chronic pain, and addiction. What if I told you there was a solution to help you overcome those uncontrollable barriers? What if we can begin to have a deeper dialogue with ourselves and find tangible and accessible ways to experience true liberation? I know you’re probably thinking that sounds lovely but how is that possible? The answer might surprise you: Ketamine.

As Denver-based therapists at Sona Collective, we have seen first-hand how ketamine therapy can help people overcome mental barriers. We can say wholeheartedly that these breakthroughs would otherwise not have been possible without the use of this powerful and legal substance. So why is it that it is not widely accepted? The war on drugs, which was a term popularized by the media after President Richard Nixon said “drug abuse was America’s public enemy number 1” in a press conference in 1971, caused the helpful benefits of specific drugs to immediately be outlawed. This led to crime and mass incarceration that unfairly and systemically affected marginalized communities. This might sound heavy but it’s important to acknowledge our country’s troubled past to ensure a brighter future. It wasn’t until 1999 that ketamine became legal to be used medically as an anesthetic, and with that legalization came in-depth studies on how the substance can help with symptoms of depression and anxiety. The National Library of Medicine published a detailed report that states:

“67 treatment-resistant depression patients using twice/thrice weekly infusions of ketamine over 15 days showed significant improvement in depressive symptoms over 15 days.”

While we do not offer IV treatment in my practice, and research is still being completed around lower dose sublingual treatment in therapy offices, we have seen significant improvement in our clients’ symptoms after about three ketamine therapy sessions. We always recommend at least three sessions to get the maximum benefits and create momentum. 

That said, it’s easy to share our experience in our practice, but let’s go deeper to paint a clear picture of what exactly is happening and break down the science behind it.

How Does Ketamine Therapy Work and Why is it Helpful?

  • Ketamine acts as a blockage of NMDA receptor antagonists. This reduces activity in brain networks associated with depressive symptoms. Source (Sciencedirect)

  • Ketamine also has a direct effect on the neurotransmitter glutamate, which is associated with an antidepressant response. It increases the amount of glutamate available in the synapse, increasing the communication between neurons. Source (National Library of Medicine)

  • Ketamine also increases the release of neurotrophic factors such as BDNF, which are associated with the growth of new neural pathways and increased plasticity in the brain. This helps to create new pathways and connections in the brain, allowing for better communication between neurons and therefore better mood regulation. Source (Sciencedirect)

  • Ketamine has been found to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain, which has been associated with improved mood and cognitive function. Source (National Library of Medicine)

  • Ketamine also affects the body’s opioid systems, which can reduce pain, suicidal ideation, and improve mood. Source (Taylor and Francis Online)

How Ketamine Therapy Might Benefit You

Now that we know the science behind this work, let's look inward. Have you ever had a little voice in your head saying that you’re not capable? How has that held you back in life? What opportunities were you too afraid to go after because of your fear? Ketamine therapy can also help to reduce that fear of failure which can be a huge barrier to personal growth. Being able to relax and process those emotions in a comfortable environment like our Denver-based office can help you make strides in your personal development. 

Ketamine therapy can help people improve their self-esteem and overall well-being. During the dissociative state, individuals can reflect on their lives from a fresh perspective, allowing them to recognize their strengths and achievements. This helps to boost their self-confidence and self-worth and can help them become their best selves. So why not take a chance and free ourselves from the shackles of shame, and discover the beauty of what we are capable of achieving?

Overall, ketamine therapy is an incredibly powerful tool for personal growth and self-development. If you are looking for a way to become your best self, we highly recommend exploring this option. We are now offering a ketamine therapy group so you don’t have to try this alone!

Learn More

If you’re looking for this kind of support and you’re in the Denver area, we’re here to help! You can read more about ketamine therapy and/or contact us to schedule an appointment.


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